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"Ideas are more powerful than guns. We would not let our enemies have guns,
why should we let them have ideas?" - Josef Stalin




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WNB May 2013


WNBlog May 20

Obama team conducts stealth war against conservatives

It is worth mentioning that this all occurred within weeks of me joining the NRA, National Association for Gun Rights (NAGR), Rocky Mountain Gun Owners (RMGO) and signing a number of petitions and contacting a large number of Senators and Representatives to encourage them to vote against gun control...

I am now living in absolute fear that I’ve been targeted by the IRS and other government agencies as some sort of Right Wing extremist. I’m expecting my door to be broken down in the middle of the night or perhaps worse...

-- Welcome to the war. Now what are you gonna do about it? Write a letter?

Blue collar salt of the Earth?


So when is the NRA going to start organizing, arming and training the militia force that we will need to do what will be required?

What is the NRA's official statement on what they will tell their members to do when we are told to 'turn them in?' Will they tell them to comply or fight?

The IRS and Obamacare -- citizens brace for impact

At least one silver lining has been noted in the IRS scandal which showed that the agency has been used by the Obama administration to target, harass, and delay political opponents. Citizens are now becoming aware that beginning in 2014, the most hated government agency of all, the IRS, will be responsible for managing and enforcing Obamacare.

The disclosures of the past two weeks concerning the heavy hand that the IRS can wield against ordinary citizens and conservative groups is a timely reminder that this is the very agency that will be in charge of their healthcare.

Concealed carry rules for Illinois emerge but face uncertain fate

A measure spelling out who can carry concealed handguns and where they can carry them emerged Thursday after months of contentious negotiations, a system with one set of rules for violence-plagued Chicago and another for the rest of Illinois.

Though the attempt at a compromise cleared its first hurdle in the Senate, it faces considerable opposition from gun rights advocates who derided it as an effort to greatly restrict where guns could be carried for self-defense and argued that it gave too much leeway to law enforcement in denying permits.

- The "Liberal"(commie) trash never give in until they are forced to.

Mini me?


Another explanation.

Calif. Assembly advances bill to ban lead ammo

Republicans say AB711 would create a de facto ban on hunting. Some alternatives to lead bullets may not be available because of federal restrictions on armor-piercing ammunition.

The Assembly passed the bill Thursday on a largely party-line vote of 44-21. It now heads to the state Senate.

- We need to form up the militias, bring the troops home, invade commiefornia and do what will be required to restore Liberty there.

Toomey is open to reviving background-check bill

While he has largely returned his focus to the fiscal issues he has long been associated with, he said he still occasionally talked privately with fellow senators about the background-check bill that was defeated last month, and about potential changes that might win new support. But he has not heard of any opponents willing to switch their votes, he said, leaving the bill stuck short.

"I've had occasional conversations with my colleagues really ever since the vote," Toomey said. "There's nobody that I'm aware of that has indicated that they would change their vote."

- Consider the source.

Not 'public operations'



Maryland: Governor Signs Sweeping Gun Control Bill into Law

Yesterday, Maryland Governor Martin O'Malley (D) signed into law sweeping gun control legislation, Senate Bill 281. Reported by NRA-ILA throughout the session here, S.B. 281 faced strong opposition by the people of Maryland throughout the legislative process. This sweeping anti-gun legislation will take effect on October 1, 2013.

Among other things, this new law will ban 45 specific types of commonly owned semiautomatic firearms, require future purchasers of handguns to obtain a license to do so, mandate reporting of lost or stolen firearms within an arbitrary time period, and institute a ban on the sale, manufacture, purchase or transfer of magazines capable of holding more than ten rounds of ammunition. Your NRA-ILA will be pursuing legal action and continue to update you on the status on this and any other Second Amendment related issues in Maryland.

New Jersey: Gun Control Package Advancing in Trenton

The shameless plotting of gun control advocates in Trenton was caught on tape last week when a live microphone in the Senate Budget Committee was left on. Senate Majority Leader Loretta Weinberg was part of a conversation discussing gun confiscation. This recording has been posted on YouTube and has garnered national attention. Undaunted by the negative public reaction, New Jersey Senators continued to push forward with their anti-Second Amendment agenda.

The state Senate approved several gun control measures on Monday, May 13, and the New Jersey Assembly has placed them on their calendar for consideration this Monday, May 20 at 1:00 pm. The Assembly floor agenda is subject to change. The remaining bills passed in the Senate on May 13 may require action in Assembly committees before they can be taken up on the Assembly floor.

- Two more commie states that will have to be invaded and conquered.

Go ahead and say it



KY senators fight for hemp as farm bill clears agricultural committee

The action came as Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) failed in a behind-the-scenes effort to convince the committee leadership to include his legislation to legalize the cultivation of industrial hemp — a priority for farm interests back home in Kentucky.

Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) told POLITICO that he and McConnell are still pressing Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.) — a member of the Agriculture panel — to support their efforts when the giant bill gets to the floor.

- They titled it wrong, it's the socialist farmers bill.

District of Commie Criminals considers mandatory $250k insurance policy for gun buyers

Insurance-industry representatives argued Thursday that there is no market for such coverage, noting that many accidental shootings are covered by homeowners’ policies. The industry is particularly troubled by a clause in the district’s proposal that would mandate insurance for “willful acts,” which would go beyond the scope of conventional liability insurance. Orange and Cheh, both Democrats, said they would likely remove that clause.

The district has some of the strictest gun-control laws in the nation. Handguns were banned outright in the nation’s capital until a landmark 2008 Supreme Court ruling, and since then, about 2,000 people have legally purchased firearms. The 13-member council includes 11 Democrats and two left-leaning independents, potentially making the city fertile territory for those pushing an insurance mandate.

- We should force the auto insurance companies to insure politicians against lying.

Nanny states require willing participants



Is Obama keeping our troops in Afghanistan to protect the opium trade?

The Taliban had relied on opium sales to finance their operations until July 2000. It was then that the regime's leader Mullah Mohammed Omar issued a ban on the drug trade, because he claimed that it conflicted with Islamic law. Less than a year later, a U.N. delegation visited the areas of the country where poppies were traditionally grown and found nothing.

The head of the U.N. Drug Control Program said: "There are no poppies. It's amazing." By January 2002, the U.S. military had the Taliban on the run and the poppy fields had returned in earnest. At the same time, the U.S. and NATO nations signed a worldwide ban on opium production.

- Drug addicts are just 'collateral damage' to the globalists.

Colo. sheriffs sue to overturn new state gun, magazine limit laws

According to the Independence Institute press release, “The suit points out that House Bill 1224 outlaws the majority of firearms magazines, which are an essential component for a functional firearm. The bill directly outlaws magazines of more than 15 rounds. The bill indirectly outlaws many smaller magazines with its vague language about "designed to be readily converted." This appears to outlaw all handgun and rifle box magazines with removable floor plates, and all rifle tube magazines with removable end caps.

“This violates the Supreme Court's rule in District of Columbia v. Heller against prohibiting arms which are ‘typically possessed by law-abiding citizens for lawful purposes’,” the release asserts.

We're still 'free' to complain...


...as long as we don't actually do anything about tyranny.

The mystery of the missing crime data

To derogate this “more guns, less homicide” trend, media outlets like New York Times cite the General Social Survey from the University of Chicago (Illinois), stating: “The gun ownership rate has fallen across a broad cross section of households since the early 1970s.” But media ignore their own reports showing an increase in new gun owners.

Gun ownership is even growing in Illinois, where state police are “swamped” by a “huge backlog of applications for Firearms Owner Identification cards,” which are required for legal gun ownership there. CBS reports: “Every month since December has seen a record number of Illinois residents applying for FOID cards.”

- What's that old saying?: "Lies, damned lies and "Liberal"(commie) trash propaganda?

If armed resistance to tyranny is 'un-American,' America has died

Stanley Fish, professor of (in?)humanities and law, wrote an op-ed for the New York Times Monday speculating that perhaps the NRA is "un-American." Not all NRA members, mind you--not the recreational shooters, or those who believe that the Second Amendment protects the right of self-defense (although Fish describes himself as "deeply unpersuaded" by that argument). So to whom does he refer? Only the "militant" members, and most of the leadership. Let's have him explain who the "militants" are:

I mean those who read the Second Amendment as proclaiming the right of citizens to resist the tyranny of their own government, that is, of the government that issued and ratified the Constitution in the first place.

- Our domestic blood enemies' lies know no limit, except the limit we will be forced to force upon them at the point of a gun.

Whose house is getting cleaned?


In a free country there's no such thing as a group whose motives cannot be questioned.

It's time to demand the "Liberal"(commie) trash 'compromise' back to Liberty and the limited government we're supposed to have here or they can get the hell out of this country. And we ain't askin'.

In Australia non-vaccinated children to be considered 'outcasts'

As is the case in the USA, there is a large and growing movement in Australia among parents who are skeptical of the benefits of childhood vaccination. The Australian media and medical establishment has responded to this movement by creating a pro-immunization campaign to marginalize conscientious objectors to childhood vaccinations – and to turn their children into social outcasts.

Introducing its “No Jab, No Play” campaign, the Telegraph – Australia’s most influential newspaper – published a house editorial demanding an amendment to that country’s 2010 Public Health Act that would allow childcare centers to ban children who have not been vaccinated.

- The Aussies turned their weapons into their government without killing their "Liberal"(commie) trash so they fully deserve what ever is done to them.

UFOs Disabling Nuclear Missiles: Former Senator Says Veterans' Testimony is the "Smoking Gun" Confirming a U.S. Government Cover-up

On September 27, 2010, Captain Salas co-hosted the "UFOs and Nukes" press conference with noted researcher Robert Hastings, during which seven USAF veterans revealed ongoing UFO activity at U.S. nuclear weapons sites during the Cold War era. That media event was extensively and favorably covered by hundreds of news organizations worldwide, including CNN, which streamed the proceedings live.

- They are here among us and probably have been all along.

Training for the home front?



Ohio Man Illegally Arrested for Open Carry Sparks $3M Lawsuit

It appears that Call has a solid case. Police cannot detain citizens and demand identification with no good reason. Call was well within his rights and Ohio laws clearly backed him up. Police could not have taken action against Call unless it appeared that he was about to commit a crime, and the mere presence of a firearm does not constitute suspicion.

Riverside police Chief Mark Reiss argued, “Had he been truthful with the police and simply provided his identification so that they could have quickly ran it, that encounter would have been over very quickly, within a minute or two.”

- Ya zee, vee must alvays blindly obey zee awfficers or faaacccce zee conzeqwences.

Remember, the "Liberal"(commie) trash want to force us to exist in a world where merely having a weapon, of any kind, anywhere, even locked up in a govt. approved vault, makes us automatically suspicious. Good slaves not only would never dare fight back but have no clue it is their right, duty and responsibility to fight back against and kill if necessary those who would enslave us further or refuse a re-establishment of Liberty here in the land of the cowardly and enslaved.

Bad news for CSGV: 1 in 3 voters meets their definition of 'insurrectionist'

The Coalition to Stop Gun Violence harbors a great deal of hostility toward most American gun owners, but they reserve their greatest fear and loathing for those gun owners to whom they refer as "insurrectionists." What's an "insurrectionist," you ask? Pretty much anyone who believes that the entire purpose of the Second Amendment is to protect the people's right to the means of defeating tyranny. If you believe that--if you, in other words, agree with Tench Coxe (and a great many other Founding Fathers), you are an "insurrectionist," guilty of "treason," and deserving of death.

As much as they fear "insurrectionists," though, they have taken comfort in their belief that we constitute only a small percentage of gun owners, and thus an even smaller fringe of the populace in general. From the book "Guns, Democracy, and the Insurrectionist Idea," co-written by CSGV executive director Josh Horwitz

- We're already at the tyranny stage, have been for a long time. See next vid.

How much longer?



Portland neighbors pave their own potholes

Last October they hired a paving company to do the job for only about $1,000 per resident.

But just last week they received letters from the City of Portland, stating that because the homeowners and the paving company did not get the proper permits, they are now liable for any run-off, flooding or environmental problems their unauthorized paving may cause.

- Sounds like they need to fill their potholes with "Liberal"(commie) trash politicians.

Venezuela hopes to wipe out toilet paper shortage by importing 50m rolls

Economists say Venezuela's shortages stem from price controls meant to make basic goods available to the poorest parts of society and the government's controls on foreign currency.

"State-controlled prices – prices that are set below market-clearing price – always result in shortages. The shortage problem will only get worse, as it did over the years in the Soviet Union," said Steve Hanke, professor of economics at Johns Hopkins University.

- Remember, their sheeple voted for it.




Former D.C. prosecutor says Dems push unconstitutional gun laws

One might expect Evergreen State gun rights activists to put Shapiro’s comments to use as they ward off what they consider further efforts to erode state and federal constitutional rights during the special session.

“The entire point of the Heller and MacDonald cases,” he said, alluding to the two Supreme Court rulings that affirmed the Second Amendment protects an individual civil right, “were to secure the Second Amendment as a guaranteed right to keep and bear firearms that are in ‘common use.’ But since the tragic Sandy Hook shootings in Connecticut, the Democrats have done everything they can to ban firearms that are in common use. Gun-control advocates have waged a diabolical misinformation campaign, mislabeling AR-15’s as ‘assault weapons,’ a term designed to mislead the public into thinking they’re actually machine guns or automatic ‘assault rifles,’ when, in fact, they only fire one shot at a time, no different than a handgun.”

- The Bill of Rights is about ACKNOWLEDGED natural born rights, not 'guaranteed' rights. And they are 'weapons of war.' That's what the Second Amendment is about, forcing all governments to acknowledge our right to fight back against and kill if necessary those who would enslave us further. it's time to stop apologizing for reality.

Children and guns: teachable moments

Someone I know bought their eight-year-old an airsoft gun for Christmas. Then Sandy Hook happened. He immediately returned it to the store.

It made me sad because I felt he lost the chance to have the teachable moment with his son. He could have talked about guns, personal responsibility and safety, and that even with toys guns you always treat them like real guns.

As a parent that was his choice – but by ignoring the topic, he did not teach his child anything. He may even be setting his son up for failure in a dangerous situation in the future.

- Yeah, a dangerous situation like being told to dig a ditch before being shot into it.

Citiot can't believe big kitty ate his puppy


Today a citiot can't believe a predator did what predators do. Too bad it didn't grab the citiot. More than likely it wasn't carrying a gun like any intelligent person would.

The one big fix that could save Windows 8

That brings us back to our main point. Ultimately, the biggest problem with Windows 8 is that it was based on a fundamentally mistaken assumption.

The idea was that one device could best serve people for two very different experiences:
1.) A desktop experience where people typically sit down and do prolonged, intensive work
2.) A more restless experience where people stand, walk, lounge, or demonstrate, typically working in shorter bursts

Windows 8 made a big bet that it could unite those two experiences with one machine. It built a platform to consolidate the tablet and the PC into one device that would be the future of computing. It was a worthy goal worth since it could have simplified things for many users and potentially saved them money by replacing two devices with one.

- How much are they paying the idiots who come up with this crap? The problem as usual is that these 'smart people' are blind to the fact, or don't care, that A. not everyone is as 'smart' as they are or B. don't like to waste time geeking around with a technical nuisance when they have other work they need to do.

 Like the article says, try Classic Shell.

Egypt exemplifies ‘hope and change’ of ‘gun control’ and authoritarian rule

And while penalties for “illicit possession” of firearms seems light (one month and a fine), it’s also stated that Egypt imposes “life imprisonment with hard labor for certain firearms.”

Having adopted the “League of Arab States Arab Model Law on Weapons, Ammunitions, Explosives and Hazardous Material” and the “African Common Position to take to the Conference to Review the UN Programme of Action to Prevent, Combat and Eradicate the Illicit Trade in Small Arms and Light Weapons in All Its Aspects (UNPoA),” Egypt has also “committed to a consensus decision of the United Nations to adopt, support and implement the UN Programme of Action to Prevent, Combat and Eradicate the Illicit Trade in Small Arms and Light Weapons in All Its Aspects.”

- How's that 'democracy' workin' for ya?

More brain dead mindless cows who don't belong here


The guy did a silly thing. But it's the cows' reaction to what he did that is truly dangerous. See story link on May 14 edition.

Brit chick got loud and proud on immigrants in her country - now on trial

Following her first public speech on the subject she was subsequently arrested, hounded by the media, hauled into court, charged with racially aggravated harassment following an appeal by the British Transport Police and then thrown in jail for daring to speak the truth and say openly what millions of people think but are too scared to say themselves.

The campaign group Britain First were on the ball first and organised a protest outside the prison where young Emma was being persecuted and held against her will, and with representatives from the British Resistance site along with Nationalist Parties and Patriots from around the country showing their support for Emma she was subsequently released shortly after the demonstration. This probably had more to do with a second protest that was being organised and showing signs of being far larger than the first though. A legal process had now begun in which the state has been unjustly dragging out for over 17 months.

- Watch the vid. See our future.

Seizure of AP Phone Records Said to "Shock the American Conscience"

Holder announced last June the Justice Department was conducting two investigations of news leaks, one into revelations about the alleged bombing plot in Yemen, and the other into reports of U.S. cyber warfare against Iran's nuclear program.

The New York Times said Monday the investigation into the cyberwar leaks is believed to be focused on Times reporter David Sanger, who has written news stories and a book about a joint American-Israeli effort to sabotage Iranian nuclear centrifuges with the so-called Stuxnet virus. The Justice Department would not respond to the Times' query as to whether it had taken steps in the Times investigation similar to the seizure of the AP phone records. A lawyer for the newspapers said he had had no contact of any sort from the government.

- Shocked? Only those who don't pay attention are shocked, just like when 9/11 was allowed to happen.

IRS admits it's not good at math


It still believes in its god, government. That's deep denial.

It's over: MSM turns on the Marxist mutt

Several journalists also tweeted their reactions to the AP story, with the New York Times’ public editor Margaret Sullivan calling the report “disturbing” and Marty Baron, the executive editor of The Washington Post, dubbing it “shocking, disturbing.” MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough, meanwhile, asked in response to the story, “What is going on with this administration?” And Markos Moulitsas, founder of the liberal Daily Kos blog, wrote to his followers, “People looking for an Obama scandal, this one spying on the AP is the first legit one.”

- It's only 'legit' when the Marxist mutt attacks its lap dogs.

Oath Keepers Co-Sponsors Open Carry March in Support of MSgt CJ Grisham on June 1, 2013 in Temple, Texas

We want to show the city of Temple and Bell County Attorney Jim Nichols that the US Army is not the enemy. We also want to support MSgt Grisham by doing exactly what he did to get arrested. This is civil disobedience done correctly, friends (while open carry is perfectly legal in Texas, that didn’t stop the Temple police from arresting MSgt Grisham).

We are also raising money for MSgt Grisham’s legal defense. Oath Keepers has set up a donation page on our site where you can chip in to help with his legal expenses (when you donate there, it goes directly to his legal defense fund. We won’t be handling any of the money). Fighting these unconstitutional and oath breaking acts is expensive. It takes a lot of time and money to be successful, and we need to win, so please donate generously to his defense fund.

Courting controversy? Or flirting with disaster?



July 4 Open Carry march on Washington

This event is civil disobedience because we will be violating and/or attempting to violate various regulations that have been used to curtail freedom of speech and freedom of self-defense, however, this is in response to the DC Police refusing to follow the law of the Constitution. They have been in violation of court order and the law by continuing to enforce statures that have been ruled unconstitutional. This is one in a long train of abuses, but a government that cannot be trusted to follow its own rules cannot be trusted, and we cannot allow this lawlessness to continue. We must stop this criminal government!

You are welcome and highly encouraged to attend unarmed as a supporter, or armed with a recording device. Please RSVP in the affirmative (“Going”) if you plan to attend as a witness. If there are any active duty military or law enforcement who would like to honor their oath to the Constitution by supporting this march, please contact: adam@adamvstheman.com. We especially invite law enforcement officers to stand with us armed however they feel is appropriate.

- I'm looking for someone to share a ride with or gas money. I plan to carry a camera and act as a reporter since I cannot afford legal fees nor jail time. If the authoritarians do something stupid I want my weapons where I can get to them not in the hands of a District of Criminals Nazi. Plus, as the old sergeant said, "If I need one, they'll be plenty layin' around."

The emperor has no clothes...


...but it does have an umbrella.

Events, alerts, actions and groups you should be involved with:

- July 4 Open Carry march on Washington

- Proposed HIPAA privacy rule on gun background checks open for comments till June 7

- Firearms Freedom Act

- Gun Owners of America Alerts page

- Tell the NRA it's time to stop playing games and demand a repeal of all gun laws.

- Project Appleseed Kentucky schedule


- Kentucky Mountain Rangers Facebook page

- Do you know who your Kentucky legislator is?

- Kentucky bill watch

- Kentucky legislator email addresses

When we lived in caves...



Candidates worth voting for:

Paul Broun for U.S. Senate endorsed by Gun Owners of America

Know any? Email bbright(at)willowtown.com

Way too much time on someone's hands



Commie/NWO site of the week: GAW News

Commie of the week: Emma Goldman

Patriot site of the week: We the Armed

Word(or phrase) for the times: sweatshop

Quote for the times:

"The truth is that the State is a conspiracy designed not only to exploit, but above all to corrupt its citizens ... Henceforth, I shall never serve any government anywhere." - Leo Tolstoy


"Prudence, indeed, will dictate that governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shown that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such government, and to provide new guards for their future security." - The Unanimous Declaration of the Thirteen United States of America,
Adopted by Congress on July 4, 1776
(To the Founders, 'state' meant independent sovereign nation state,
that was voluntarily entering into the union and could theoretically un-volunteer later.)

Most recent blog

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It's time to bring back the old saying: "Better dead than red."
Only we need to apply it to Amerika's reds.


Watch to see what we should be teaching kids
to do to "Liberals" so they'll actually have a future in a free country:

"No small shot gun, during my residence of seven years of war in America, was ever kept in the house of a backwoodsman. You will often see a boy not over ten years of age driving the cattle home, but not without a rifle on his shoulder; they never stir out on any business, or on a journey without their rifles. Practice from their infancy, teaches them all distances…

"I never in my life saw better rifles (or men who shot better) than those made in America. They are chiefly made in Lancaster, and two or three neighboring towns in that vicinity in Pennsylvania. The barrels weigh about six pounds two or three ounces and carry a ball no larger than thirty-six to the pound; at least I never saw one of a larger caliber, and I have seen many hundreds and hundreds." - Colonel George Hanger, captain of a Hessian Jager corps of the American Revolution, as quoted in Muzzleloader Magazine's 'The Book of Buckskinning.'

“A well-grown boy, at the age of twelve or thirteen years, was furnished with a small rifle and shot pouch. He then became a fort soldier and had his port hole assigned to him. Hunting squirrels, turkeys and raccoons soon made him an expert in the use of his gun.” – Dr. Joseph Doddridge, in his 1824 book ‘Notes on the Settlement and Indian Wars,’ quoted in Michael Edward Nogays book ‘Every Home a Fort, Every Man a Warrior

Wouldn't the freaks freak out if we started teaching young men and women what they are going to be forced to know some day because their parents sat on their asses and pretended Liberty could be won back with 'peace and love?'

We know what changed. The "Liberal"(commie) trash finished their infiltration of our so-called educational system that's now a commie indoctrination system. What a pathetic lot we amerikans are. Especially the peace nicks in the so-called Liberty movement who are mimicking the commie insurrectionists of the 'anti-war'(pro-commie) movement of the 1960s whose real goal was to pacify their enemies so they wouldn't fight back. They apparently succeeded.

Our civilization has been taken from mindless aggression to mindless pacifism. The latter is the most dangerous by far. We must put knowledge of our most basic right, that of self-defense, back into the hands and minds of the young, or they are doomed to be mindless pacified slaves, and most importantly 'victims' who can be used as pawns by those who seek to maintain their power over us all.

"Children should be educated and instructed in the principles of freedom." - John Adams, Defense of the Constitutions, 1787

"To preserve liberty, it is essential that the whole body of the people always possess arms and be taught alike, especially when young, how to use them." - Richard Henry Lee (1732-1794) Founding Father

Start them young, train them well, for you know not what they may have to do...

They're so cute, couldn't resist posting this. With the right parenting they won't grow up to be mindless pacified sheeple willing to bend over for their would-be bosses, whether in the government or at their place of employment.

"Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it." - Proverbs 22:6 KJV

"Guard with jealous attention the public liberty. Suspect everyone who approaches that jewel. Unfortunately, nothing will preserve it but downright force. Whenever you give up that force, you are ruined... The great object is that every man be armed. Everyone who is able might have a gun." – Patrick Henry, Speech to the Virginia Ratifying Convention, June 5, 1778

Which do you prefer?

The "Liberal"(commie) trash would rather have more small dead bodies that they can propagandize over than responsible adults who possess the knowledge and resolve it takes to fight back, because they fear an armed populace who might wake up to the dangers our domestic blood enemies present. We will soon be forced to do what our ancestors had to do, send our domestic blood enemies a final warning:

Folk music records what Vermonters responded to British soldiers who would impose their will upon them:
"Why come ye hither, Redcoats? Your mind what madness fills? For there’s danger in our valleys and there’s danger on our hills. Why hear ye not the singing of the bugle wild and free? Full soon you’ll hear the ringing of the rifle from the tree! For the rifle, for the rifle: in our hands shall prove no trifle."

The "Liberal"(commie) trash prefer this:

To this:

"Perhaps the sentiments contained in the following pages, are not yet sufficiently fashionable to procure them general favor; a long habit of not thinking a thing wrong, gives it a superficial appearance of being right, and raises at first a formidable outcry in defence of custom. But tumult soon subsides. Time makes more converts than reason."
- Thomas Paine, the first paragraph of his Pamphlet, “Common Sense.”

For more quotes that matter or if you don't understand the above, start with my Favorite Quotes page.


How much longer until enough see the necessity of these?:


How much longer?


Would you sign? Or step out your door to an uncertain fate?

April 19 needs to be our biggest holiday That was the day they left their homes, went to face government employees and shot back. That took more courage than signing a piece of paper or banging on a keyboard.

It will have to be done again.

If you sit home waiting your turn you deserve to have your gun taken from your cold dead hands.

The Founders didn’t wait for the Brits to knock down their doors. They gathered at the green and stood up like men and they killed government employees all the way back to Boston.

What will you do when it’s time to hunt NWO hacks, republicrats and commies(“Liberals” and ‘progressives’)?

Don't understand? Follow my links. Read
the quotes page first.

When will you step up?



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